
Human life is highly dependent on the land, including the ocean, for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plantlife offers about 80% of the human diet and you rely on agriculture as an essential economic resource. Forests cover approximately 30% of the Earth’s surface, provide a critical habitat for millions of species and vital sources of clean water and air, and are essential to combating climate change.

The Land Challenges We Face

About 13 million hectares of forest have disappeared, while the continued degradation of arid lands has paved the way for desertification of at least 3.6 billion hectares, with unreasonable consequences for poor communities.

Although 15% of the land is protected, biodiversity is still at stake. About 7,000 species of animals and plants have been the subject of illegal trade. The wildlife trade not only irritates biodiversity, it also creates insecurity, fuels conflict and fuels corruption. Rapid action is needed to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity, which are an important part of the common heritage, and to support global food and water security, climate change, adaptation, mitigation, peace and security.

Why is Sustainable Development Necessary?

Undoubtedly, a prosperous life on earth is the primary basis for life on earth. Humans are part of the planet’s ecosystem and have caused them extreme damage through deforestation, land degradation and natural habitats. Therefore, encouraging sustainable use of ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not the cause, but the key to one’s survival.

Land and forests are the most important basis for sustainable development. Forests provide food security and shelter, along with several other things necessary for survival on Earth. More importantly, forests are home to over 80% of all terrestrial species of plants, animals and insects. In addition, approximately 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their primary livelihoods, including approximately 70 million indigenous people.

In fact, more than 85% of the human diet is provided by plants, with corn, rice and wheat providing 60% of the energy intake. Apart from that, 80% of the population in rural areas of developing countries is heavily dependent on traditional plant-based medicines to provide basic health care.

Ways to Deal with These Problems

Preserving life on Earth requires combined action not only to save terrestrial ecosystems, but also to restore them and encourage sustainable use for the future.

The SDGCC calls for swift action to halt the degradation of natural habitats, stop poaching and animal trafficking, and merge ecosystem and biodiversity values into local planning and development processes.

Protecting areas essential for biodiversity is another important tool and in 2014 15.2% of terrestrial and freshwater environments were protected.

Main Objectives and Goals

You can all ensure that the global goals are achieved. Here are some of the goals and milestones to encourage action to protect and restore life on Earth:

Conserve and Renew Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems: By 2020, create conservation, restoration and internal freshwater ecosystems and their services. In particular, wetlands, forests, arid areas and mountains, in accordance with the responsibilities laid down in international agreements.

End Deforestation and Restore Deteriorated Forests: By 2020, drive the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, stop deforestation, restore degraded forests and maximize global forestry and reforestation.

Biodiversity and Natural Habitat Conservation: Take prompt and essential action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats. Stop the loss of biodiversity and save and prevent the extinction of endangered species by 2020.

Ensure Conservation of Mountain Ecosystems: Combat desertification through 2030, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, floods, and drought. Try to get a world that is neutral towards degradation.

Financing and Improving Sustainable Forest Management: Mobilize essential resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide developing countries with sufficient incentives to make progress in this management, including afforestation and conservation.

Avoid Invasive Alien Species On Land & In Water Ecosystems: By 2020, implement methods to prevent growth and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and to manage or eliminate priority species.

Participate in a Good Cause

Together, people can protect and preserve life on Earth. Look for ways to continue with any of the above goals. Find an organization you can trust for support, information to share, and tips that can make a difference in your life and the world.

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